Palm-Passion Sunday

March 25, 2018

Combined Worship Service

Sanctuary  •  11 a.m.

Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday, marks the beginning of Jesus’ last week on this earth before his crucifixion. It begins with His entry into Jerusalem when people waved palm branches and placed their clothes on the path in front of Him.

However, those who only experience the excitement of Palm Sunday and go straight to the celebration of Easter morning, miss much of the symbolism and sacrifice that came during Christ’s last week. Without the teaching, prayer, suffering, and death during Holy Week, the sacrifice God made when He sent His Son looses some of its emphasis.

During our worship service we will revisit the shepherds, the wife of the innkeeper, and Mary who we met through the Revelation Players at Advent. We’ll see how their lives continued to be changed after meeting the baby Jesus and later reconnecting with him during his last days.

Note: Select adult Sunday School classes will meet at 9:40 a.m.

Preschoolers, Children, and Youth will not meet.